Buy JAN LONDON Cotton Makeup Pads, Cotton Rounds for Face, Makeup Remover Rounds, Makeup Remover Pads, Hypoallergenic, Cotton Pads For Makeup, Cotton Pads For Face Cleansing, Makeup Remover Wipes 100 Pads in UAE

JAN LONDON Cotton Makeup Pads, Cotton Rounds for Face, Makeup Remover Rounds, Makeup Remover Pads, Hypoallergenic, Cotton Pads For Makeup, Cotton Pads For Face Cleansing, Makeup Remover Wipes 100 Pads

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JAN LONDON Cotton Makeup Pads, Cotton Rounds for Face, Makeup Remover Rounds, Makeup Remover Pads, Hypoallergenic, Cotton Pads For Makeup, Cotton Pads For Face Cleansing, Makeup Remover Wipes 100 Pads Details

Soft pads are made with closed edges to prevent fibers from coming loose. Particularly useful for threading, makeup removal, nail polish removal, baby, skin care, and family needs.
It can be used every day and saves the hassle of massaging in and washing out another product into the skin. It is excellent at removing dead skin cells and preventing excess oil and sebum from accumulating.
The absorbent cellulose core of cotton organic pads keeps you dry while allowing the skin to breathe, in contrast to pads made of man-made fibers.
It is suitable for daily use because it is made of lint-free, soft cotton fibers.
does not leave fibers on your skin after removing makeup. Natural softness, absorption, and gentleness. Ideal for applying cosmetics and creams

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