Buy Imtenan Organic Shea Bean - 400g Pouch in Egypt

Imtenan Organic Shea Bean - 400g Pouch

Imtenan Organic Shea Bean - 400g Pouch Details

· Shea seeds are used for chronic grasp, intestinal harvested from the abuse of emollients, neurocolitis, helps with gastric and gastric infections, and for the prevention of colon tumors
· The richest plant foods in omega-3 acids that have been proven to reduce cholesterol, blood fat, high pressure and blood viscosity.
Reduces incidence of cardiovascular disease It is also one of nature's most powerful anti-inflammatory actives from neuropritis, arthritis, dermatitis, and improves insulin sensitivity to Type 2 diabetics
· Shea seeds, the richest foods with antioxidant lignan (more than 2x more flax) that provide the body with vegetable estrogen that regulates feminine hormones.
Reduces premenorial symptoms as well as reduces menopause symptoms such as hot flakes

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