اشتري نبات القراص للكلاب - 150 بذرة - مع تربة - اورتيكا يورينز في السعودية

نبات القراص للكلاب - 150 بذرة - مع تربة - اورتيكا يورينز

منتجات مشابهة

مواصفات نبات القراص للكلاب - 150 بذرة - مع تربة - اورتيكا يورينز

With germfree and permeable potting substrate based on coconut fiber for suceessful cultivation.
150 seeds per packet
Most people see the Dog Nettle as an undesirable rambling weed, but above all it is a rather tasty medicinal plant. The small Dog Nettle is more delicate and tender than its big sister, the Urtica dioica, but it stings even more when touched. The annual, leafy and herbaceous plant grows between 10 and 60 cm high, and produces from May unt ….. (In the pictures you will find a picture of the back of our seed card with complete nursing and care instructions)
Not a rambling weed, but a super weed
With detailed instructions for successful potting.

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