Buy IN.HYPE UV/LED Hard Builder Gel for Nail Extension/Strengthening Soft #4. Sculpting color uv gel in Saudi Arabia

IN.HYPE UV/LED Hard Builder Gel for Nail Extension/Strengthening Soft #4. Sculpting color uv gel

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IN.HYPE UV/LED Hard Builder Gel for Nail Extension/Strengthening Soft #4. Sculpting color uv gel Details

IN.HYPE Sculpting Gel has a medium thickness and can be used for sculpting the nail shape or building extensions. Also you apply it as a overlay on your nail plate to strengthen and protect your natural nail to help it grow.
Flexible, self-leveling structure that allows to work with natural and artificial nails. Doesn't shrink and easy to file.
Universal shade is suitable for all skin colors.
Salon-grade quality with 10 Toxins-Free formula for healthier application.

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