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120.00SAVE 6 AED Limited time offer
Kapiva Aloe Vera juice is the powerhouse of enzymes that help in digesting sugars, fat, and carbs, thereby enabling production of energy. It assists the body with absorption of maximum nutrients. This magic herb is also instrumental in increasing water content in the digestive system and helps smoothen bowel movements. By helping break the sugar down with its enzymes, Aloe juice also helps maintain sugar levels.
Organic Aloe Vera juice is a potent alkalizing food. It assists in the process of detoxification by helping eliminate toxins from the body. Pure Aloe Vera juice is known to promote healthy scalp by reducing dandruff, and stimulating growth of hair which is shiny and lustrous. Pulps obtained from Aloe helps keep the skin hydrated, keeping it glowing from within. It also helps fight acne outbreaks.
Wheatgrass is high in vitamins A, C and E, as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and amino acids. It contains antioxidants, which prevent ageing, and chlorophyll, which improves the quality of your red blood cells. It has more vitamin A than carrots, more vitamin C than oranges and the total amount of nutrients in 0.02 kg of Wheatgrass exceeds the nutrients found in up to 1 kg of fresh green vegetables.
Contains high amount of fibre, enzymes and vitamin C which improve metabolism by helping your body break down food and absorb nutrients. Wheatgrass juice is detoxifying and cleans your intestine, which is great for reducing gas, bloating and constipation. It stimulates the thyroid gland, which is the most important gland with regard to obesity and weight loss. It also purifies the blood, kidneys, liver and the urinary tract.